➡️This is a command-line reference manual for commands and command combinations that you don’t use often enough to remember it. This cheatsheet explains the cat command with important options and switches using examples.
9 minute read
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"Catenate" is an obscure word meaning "to connect in a series", which is what the cat command does to one or more files. This is not to be confused with C/A/T, the Computer Aided Typesetter. For more, see Combine several text files into a single file in Unix
cat -E
# Show line endings in a file
cat -T
# Show tabs in a file
cat -n or nl
# Display a file with line numbers
cat -v
# Output a file, displaying non-printing characters:
cat </dev/tcp/time.nist.gov/13
# Fetch the current time in bash using this special device path hostname/port.
cat <(printf "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-type: text/html\n\n") - |nc -l 80
# Give your visitors truly live updates. Type a message + Ctrl-D
cat /bin/sh > it
# Put the sh back into it.
cat split-xaa split-xab split-xac > rejoinedlargefile
# Join the splits back together.
cat longdomainlist.txt | rev | sort | rev
# group subdomains by domain. Good use of rev.
cat access_log-*|awk '{print substr($4,5,8)}'|uniq -c|gnuplot -e "set terminal dumb;plot '-' using 1:xtic(2) with boxes"
# Web request chart
cat /dev/zero > foo & rm -f foo
cat access_log-*|awk '{print substr($4,5,8)}'|uniq -c|gnuplot -e "set terminal dumb;plot '-' using 1:xtic(2) with boxes"
# Web request chart
cat /var/log/secure.log | awk '{print substr($0,0,15)}' | uniq -c | sort -nr | awk '{printf("\n%s ",$0) ; for (i = 0; i<$1 ; i++) {printf("*")};}'
#Show me a histogram of the busiest minutes /sconds in a log file:
cat DATEI | mail -s MAILSUBJEKT [email protected]
# Datei sich per Email zusenden
cat matching_files.txt | xargs sed -i '' "s/require('global-module')/require('..\/some-folder\/relative-module')/"
# Basic sed usage with xargs to refactor a node.js depdendency
cat uuoc.txt | rev | cut -c 3- | rev
# Use rev twice to get around cut not being able to relatively remove 3 letters from the end of lines.
cat externs.json | jq ".efExports | .[] | (keys|.[0]) as \$kind | {kind:\$kind,value:(.[\$kind] |.Ident?)}"
# Get purescript externs just some jq code...
cat aws.json | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[] | [.PrivateIpAddress, .SecurityGroups[].GroupId,.SecurityGroups[].GroupName,.NetworkInterfaces[].NetworkInterfaceId,(.Tags[] | select(.Key =="Name") | .Value),([.InstanceId| tostring] | join(";"))]|@csv'
# Use JQ to get a csv list of assets in aws with security groups, names, and ENI ID for tracking VPC Flows from JSON -> You need to use the aws ec2 describe instances to get the JSON file.
cat /proc/net/tcp
# In a crunch and lacking better tools, you can get Linux's local (non-external) IPv4 address from this file. It's usually the most common non-zero src address in byte form, reversed. So 050010AC -> AC 10 00 05 ->
#Backup all databases in a MySQL container
cat databases.txt | while read db; do docker exec $container_name bash -c "mysqldump -uroot -p\$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD ${db}" | gzip -9 > $HOME/backups/${db}_`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`.sql.gz; done
# Basic cat command in Linux with examples | LinuxTeck
# The Global Syntax of the cat command:
cat [OPTION]... [FILE]...
# Mostly, everyone using the cat command to view the content of the file, so let's begin with the same.
# 1. How to display the content of a file?
# (Let's say we have a file named linux.txt which contains few lines)
# Note: The very simple way to display the content of a file
cat linux.txt
# Train
# Bus
# Aeroplane
# Ship
# Car
# 2. How to use line numbers in a File?
# (In the above file there are about 5 lines, let's see how to use line number in the file)
# Note: -n is the option to apply for line number
cat -n linux.txt
# 1 Train
# 2 Bus
# 3 Aeroplane
# 4 Ship
# 5 Car
# 3. How to use number nonempty output lines in a file?
# (For line number we have used the '-n' parameter, whereas here we will be using '-b', this is also similar to '-n', but the difference is '-b' will count only the non-blank lines (Means it does not calculate the empty/blank lines. In the below example I have added one space between Aeroplane and Ship))
# Note: The above command shows the difference between '-n and -b' parameters of using the line numbers
cat -n linux.txt cat -b linux.txt
# 1 Train 1 Train
# 2 Bus 2 Bus
# 3 Aeroplane 3 Aeroplane
# 4
# 5 Ship 4 Ship
# 6 Car 5 Car
# 4. How to display the content of a file per page?
# (For eg: If we have a file which contains more than a page of content that won't fit into the screen and it goes directly the last page of the file)
# Note: Use 'more and less' combined with cat command to see the content per page. To combine the commands we need to use pipe (|) sign as above.
cat linux.txt | more
cat linux.txt | less
# 5. How view the multiple files contents together?
# (Let's say we have files named 'linux.txt and teck.txt'. we need to see contents of the files together in a single command )
# Note: The above command will display the contents of the two files together.
cat linux.txt teck.txt
# Train
# Bus
# Aeroplane
# Ship
# Car
# India - Delhi
# Canada - Ottawa
# Germany - Berlin
# Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
# Japan - Tokyo
# 6. How to Sorting the contents of different files?
# (Let's say, files named 'linux.txt and teck.txt' having different contents line by line. The output content of the two files can be sorted )
# Note: Use 'sort' combined with cat command to see the sorted contents of the above files. To combine the command we need to use pipe (|) sign as above.
cat linux.txt teck.txt | sort
# Aeroplane
# Bus
# Canada - Ottawa
# Car
# Germany - Berlin
# India - Delhi
# Japan - Tokyo
# Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
# Ship
# Train
# 7. How to use redirect standard output?
# (We can redirect the standard output contents into a new file or the existing with '>' greater-than-symbol. If you choose the existing file then be careful, it will be overwritten.)
# Note: The above command combines the sorted content of 'linux.txt and teck.txt' into a new file named 'testing.txt'. This command will check if the file exists or not. If not it will create as a new file else it will overwrite the new content.
cat linux.txt teck.txt | sort > testing.txt
# 8. How to avoid multiple blank spaces?
# (We can squeeze multiple empty lines breaks in the file with one single empty line). Don't confuse, the below example will show you what exactly it is:
# I have a file named 'teck.txt' with some content, but there are big line breaks between the content of India and Canada. If we use a normal command 'cat teck.txt' it will display exactly as how the content is inside. But when you use the '-s' parameter, it will avoid the big line breaks between the content of India and Canada with a single line break. It will not affect the content of the file, it will only display the content of the format. Just see the difference below :
# Before After
cat teck.txt cat -s teck.txt
cat split-xaa split-xab split-xac > rejoinedlargefile
# Join the splits back together.
cat longdomainlist.txt | rev | sort | rev
# group subdomains by domain. Good use of rev..
# cat = the; grep = what; find = where; while = every; for = these; sleep = um; && = and ; ';' = '.' ; > = here; awk and sed = fuck and shit
# convert JSON object to JavaScript object literal
# install json-to-js as a npm global package
cat data.json | json-to-js | pbcopy
cat /tmp/log.data |colrm 1 155|colrm 60 300
# Explanation:
# cat: prints the file to standard output
# colrm: removes selected columns from a file
# Find all the unique 4-letter words in a text
cat ipsum.txt | perl -ne 'print map("$_\n", m/\w+/g);' | tr A-Z a-z | sort | uniq | awk 'length($1) == 4 {print}'
# Explanation:
# The perl regex pattern m/\w+/g will match consecutive non-word characters, resulting in a list of all the words in the source string
# map("$_\n", @list) transforms a list, appending a new-line at the end of each element
# tr A-Z a-z transforms uppercase letters to lowercase
# In awk, length($1) == 4 {print} means: for lines matching the filter condition "length of the first column is 4", execute the block of code, in this case simply print
# remove comments from #Arduino #ino #files
cat code.ino | sed -r ':a; s%(.*)/\*.*\*/%\1%; ta; /\/\*/ !b; N; ba' | sed 's/\/\/.*$//' | grep '\S' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | grep -v '^$'
# (I used ru because it is a public project, but I do it with a little script called ruby-all-lines (or just ruby -e))
cat names1.txt names2.txt | ru "sort_by { |l| l.split.second }"
# Check whether laptop is running on battery or cable -> 1 = on ac, 0 = on bat
cat /sys/class/power_supply/AC/online
# Print your cpu intel architecture family
cat /sys/devices/cpu/caps/pmu_name
Cheatsheets are an excellent complement to other information sources like Linux man-pages, Linux help, or How-To’s and tutorials, as they provide compact and easily accessible information. While man-pages and detailed tutorials often contain comprehensive explanations and extensive guides, cheatsheets summarize the most important options forthe command cat in a clear format. This allows users to quickly access the needed information for cat without having to sift through lengthy texts. Especially in stressful situations or for recurring tasks, cheatsheets for cat are a valuable resource to work efficiently and purposefully.
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