
➡️This is a command-line reference manual for commands and command combinations that you don’t use often enough to remember it. This cheatsheet explains the printf command with important options and switches using examples.


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printf "%x\n" {1..65535} | while read -r u ; do printf "\033[38;5;$((16+$((16#$u))%230))m\u$u\033[0m"; done 
# Make a Unicode rainbow

printf "\e[%dm%d dark\e[0m  \e[%d;1m%d bold\e[0m\n" {30..37}{,,,}
#Show your basic terminal text colors for terminal preferences change.

printf "1800-01-13 +%s months\n" {0..4800} |date -f - |grep ^Fri |awk '{print $NF}' |uniq -c |grep " 3 "
# Show years with 3 Fri 13ths

printf "now +%s months\n" {0..240}| date -f - |grep ^Fri
# Find all Friday 13ths in the next 20 years. 

printf ".\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\na\na\nb\nb\nb\nc\nc\n" | sort -R
# Run multiple times and this will demonstrate how sort -R is different from shuf

printf "10^%d\n" {0..20} | bc | sed -e :a -e 's/\(.*[0-9]\)\([0-9]\{3\}\)/\1,\2/;ta' 
# Add separator commas to long numbers. 

printf ".\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\na\na\nb\nb\nb\nc\nc\n" | sort -R
# Run multiple times and this will demonstrate how sort -R is different from shuf

printf "2017-01-14 + %d weeks\n" {1..50} |date -f- +"%B %_d" 
# Print the dates for all the following Saturdays in 2017 for use in a document

printf "%d\n" "')" 
# Print the decimal encoded value of a ). The ' before the character tells printf to interpret the character this way.

printf "This is @climagic's %dth tweet. Thank you to my %d followers.\n\e[32m===,=='===\e[31m@\e[0m\n" $((10**4)) $((2**17))

printf "%d\n" "')" 
# Print the decimal encoded value of a ). The ' before the character tells printf to interpret the character this way.

printf "%x\n" $(seq 0 255) | xargs -n1 -IH echo -ne \\xH > test.dat
# Generate binary sequence data

printf "Happy %dth Birthday %s\n" $((2**6)) "Richard Stallman" | figlet -w 64
# gibt was aus und macht dann figlet schrift draus

printf %g "$(bitcoin-cli estimatesmartfee 6 "ECONOMICAL" | jq .feerate*100000)";printf " sat/B estimated feerate for 6 confirmations as of $(date +%c)\nDivide by 100,000 to get btc/KB\n"
# Estimate an economic bitcoin-cli fee and display as sat/B with date time stamp -> Compactly display a bitcoin-cli fee estimate in satoshis/Byte, sat/B, date time stamp. Change the 6 to the desired number of confirmations. Display in btc/KB unit of measure: printf %g "$(bccli estimatesmartfee 6 "ECONOMICAL" | jq .feerate)";printf " btc/KB estimated feerate for 6 confirmations\nMultiply by 100,000 to get sat/B\n"; Two settings for estimate mode are "ECONOMICAL". "CONSERVATIVE" is the same as "UNSET" 
# jq is a json filter. sudo apt-get install jq  
# This is sample output - yours may be different.
			163.808 sat/B estimated feerate for 6 confirmations as of Wed 20 Jun 2018 07:19:14 AM MDT
			Divide by 100,000 to get btc/KB


# Estimate an economic bitcoin-cli fee and display as sat/B with date time stamp
# Compactly display a bitcoin-cli fee estimate in satoshis/Byte, sat/B, date time stamp. Change the 6 to the desired number of confirmations. Display in btc/KB unit of measure: printf %g "$(bccli estimatesmartfee 6 "ECONOMICAL" | jq .feerate)";printf " btc/KB estimated feerate for 6 confirmations\nMultiply by 100,000 to get sat/B\n"; Two settings for estimate mode are "ECONOMICAL". "CONSERVATIVE" is the same as "UNSET" # jq is a json filter. sudo apt-get install jq Show Sample Output
# 163.808 sat/B estimated feerate for 6 confirmations as of Wed 20 Jun 2018 07:19:14 AM MDT
# Divide by 100,000 to get btc/KB
printf %g "$(bitcoin-cli estimatesmartfee 6 "ECONOMICAL" | jq .feerate*100000)";printf " sat/B estimated feerate for 6 confirmations as of $(date +%c)\nDivide by 100,000 to get btc/KB\n"

printf "%s\n" T{Q,0}{Q,0}X{0,Q,B}{B,P,8}3569R7D9C5 
# Print out all the combinations of a game card for which you accidentally scratched too hard. Ambiguous characters are expanded in sets using brace expansion {0,Q,B}, etc. I just had to do this and it worked. 

printf "%080d" | tr 0 n 
# Print the character 'n' 80 times. Useful for stuff like making lines for headers/breaks. Put it in a function.
# Print a horizontal line
# Replace the underscore with any other character. e.g. + or - or =
printf "%`tput cols`s"|sed "s/ /_/g"

# Print a horizontal line
printf -v _hr "%*s" $(tput cols) && echo ${_hr// /${1--}}

# Make M-n, M-m, and M-, insert the zeroth, first, and second argument of the previous command in Bash
printf %s\\n '"\en": "\e0\e."' '"\em": "\e1\e."' '"\e,": "\e2\e."'>>~/.inputrc

# Check whether IPv6 is enabled Checks whether IPv6 is enabled system-wide by reading from procfs. 
printf "IPv6 is "; [ $(cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6) -eq 0 ] && printf "enabled\n" || printf "disabled\n"

# Edit the Gimp launcher file to disable the splash screen
printf '%s\n' ',s/^Exec=[^ ]*/& -s/' w q | ed /usr/share/applications/gimp.desktop
# Explanation: sed is designed for editing streams - editing files is what ed is for! You can get consistent behavior on any UNIX platform with the above one-liner. The printf command sends a series of editing commands to ed, each separated by a newline. In this case, the substitution command ,s/^Exec=[^ ]*/& -s/ is nearly the same as in sed, appending a space and a -s to the line starting with Exec=. The only difference is the comma at the beginning designating the lines to operate on. This is shorthand for 1,$, which tells ed to apply the command to the first through the last lines (i.e., the entire file). w tells ed to write the file, and q to quit.

# Generate a sequence of numbers
printf '%s\n' {1..10}

# printf command can auto-escape strings...
_unclean_input='some th!ng n@$ty'
printf '%q\n' "${_unclean_input}"
#> some\ th\!ng\ n@\$ty


  █║▌│║█║▌★ KALI ★ PARROT ★ DEBIAN 🔴 PENTESTING ★ HACKING ★ █║▌│║█║▌

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               █║▌│║█║▌ WITH COMMANDLINE-KUNGFU POWER █║▌│║█║▌
