➡️This is a command-line reference manual for commands and command combinations that you don’t use often enough to remember it. This cheatsheet explains the ncmpcpp command with important options and switches using examples.
6 minute read
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# ncmpcpp is an mpd client (compatible with mopidy) with a UI very similar to ncmpc,
# but it provides new useful features such as support for regular expressions for library searches,
# extended song format, items filtering, the ability to sort playlists, and a local filesystem browser.
# configure ncmpcpp
mkdir ~/.ncmpcpp
cat <<EOF > ~/.ncmpcpp/config
ncmpcpp_directory = "~/.ncmpcpp"
mpd_host = ""
mpd_port = "6600"
mpd_music_dir = "/var/lib/mpd/music/"
# Movement
Up k Move cursor up
Down j Move cursor down
[ Move cursor up one album
] Move cursor down one album
{ Move cursor up one artist
} Move cursor down one artist
Page Up Page up
Page Down Page down
Home Home
End End
Tab Switch to next screen in sequence
Shift-Tab Switch to previous screen in sequence
F1 Show help
1 Show playlist
2 Show browser
3 Show search engine
4 Show media library
5 Show playlist editor
6 Show tag editor
7 Show outputs
8 Show music visualizer
= Show clock
@ Show server info
# Global
s Stop
p Pause
> Next track
< Previous track
Ctrl-H Backspace Replay playing song
f Seek forward in playing song
b Seek backward in playing song
- Left Decrease volume by 2%
Right + Increase volume by 2%
t Toggle space mode (select/add)
T Toggle add mode (add or remove/always add)
| Toggle mouse support
v Reverse selection
V Remove selection
B Select songs of album around the cursor
a Add selected items to playlist
` Add random items to playlist
r Toggle repeat mode
z Toggle random mode
y Toggle single mode
R Toggle consume mode
Y Toggle replay gain mode
# Toggle bitrate visibility
Z Shuffle playlist
x Toggle crossfade mode
X Set crossfade
u Start music database update
: Execute command
Ctrl-F Apply filter
/ Find item forward
? Find item backward
, Jump to previous found item
. Jump to next found item
w Toggle find mode (normal/wrapped)
G Locate song in browser
~ Locate song in media library
Ctrl-L Lock/unlock current screen
Left h Switch to master screen (left one)
Right l Switch to slave screen (right one)
E Locate song in tag editor
P Toggle display mode
\ Toggle user interface
! Toggle displaying separators between albums
g Jump to given position in playing song (formats: mm:ss, x%)
i Show song info
I Show artist info
L Toggle lyrics fetcher
F Toggle fetching lyrics for playing songs in background
q Quit
# Playlist
Enter Play selected item
Delete Delete selected item(s) from playlist
c Clear playlist
C Clear playlist except selected item(s)
Ctrl-P Set priority of selected items
Ctrl-K m Move selected item(s) up
n Ctrl-J Move selected item(s) down
M Move selected item(s) to cursor position
A Add item to playlist
e Edit song
S Save playlist
Ctrl-V Sort playlist
Ctrl-R Reverse playlist
o Jump to current song
U Toggle playing song centering
# Browser
Enter Enter directory/Add item to playlist and play it
Space Add item to playlist/select it
e Edit song/directory/playlist name
2 Browse MPD database/local filesystem
` Toggle sort mode
o Locate playing song
Ctrl-H Backspace Jump to parent directory
Delete Delete selected items from disk
G Jump to playlist editor (playlists only)
# Search engine
Enter Add item to playlist and play it/change option
Space Add item to playlist
e Edit song
y Start searching
3 Reset search constraints and clear results
# Media library
4 Switch between two/three columns mode
Left h Previous column
Right l Next column
Enter Add item to playlist and play it
Space Add item to playlist
e Edit song
e Edit tag (left column)/album (middle/right column)
` Toggle type of tag used in left column
m Toggle sort mode
# Playlist editor
Left h Previous column
Right l Next column
Enter Add item to playlist and play it
Space Add item to playlist/select it
e Edit song/playlist name
Ctrl-K m Move selected item(s) up
n Ctrl-J Move selected item(s) down
Delete Delete selected playlists (left column)
C Clear playlist except selected item(s)
Ctrl-P Set priority of selected items
Ctrl-K m Move selected item(s) up
n Ctrl-J Move selected item(s) down
M Move selected item(s) to cursor position
A Add item to playlist
e Edit song
S Save playlist
Ctrl-V Sort playlist
Ctrl-R Reverse playlist
o Jump to current song
U Toggle playing song centering
# Browser
Enter Enter directory/Add item to playlist and play it
Space Add item to playlist/select it
e Edit song
e Edit directory name
e Edit playlist name
2 Browse MPD database/local filesystem
` Toggle sort mode
o Locate playing song
Ctrl-H Backspace Jump to parent directory
Delete Delete selected items from disk
G Jump to playlist editor (playlists only)
# Search engine
Enter Add item to playlist and play it/change option
Space Add item to playlist
e Edit song
y Start searching
3 Reset search constraints and clear results
# Media library
4 Switch between two/three columns mode
Left h Previous column
Right l Next column
Enter Add item to playlist and play it
Space Add item to playlist
e Edit song/tag (left column)/album (middle/right column)
` Toggle type of tag used in left column
m Toggle sort mode
# Playlist editor
Left h Previous column
Right l Next column
Enter Add item to playlist and play it
Space Add item to playlist/select it
e Edit song/playlist name
Ctrl-K m Move selected item(s) up
n Ctrl-J Move selected item(s) down
Delete Delete selected playlists (left column)
Delete Delete selected item(s) from playlist (right column)
c Clear playlist
C Clear playlist except selected items
# Lyrics
Space Toggle reloading lyrics upon song change
e Open lyrics in external editor
` Refetch lyrics
# Tiny tag editor
Enter Edit tag
y Save
# Tag editor
Enter Edit tag/filename of selected item (left column)
Enter Perform operation on all/selected items (middle column)
Space Switch to albums/directories view (left column)
Space Select item (right column)
Left h Previous column
Right l Next column
Ctrl-H Backspace Jump to parent directory (left column, directories view)
Cheatsheets are an excellent complement to other information sources like Linux man-pages, Linux help, or How-To’s and tutorials, as they provide compact and easily accessible information. While man-pages and detailed tutorials often contain comprehensive explanations and extensive guides, cheatsheets summarize the most important options forthe command ncmpcpp in a clear format. This allows users to quickly access the needed information for ncmpcpp without having to sift through lengthy texts. Especially in stressful situations or for recurring tasks, cheatsheets for ncmpcpp are a valuable resource to work efficiently and purposefully.
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