
➡️This is a command-line reference manual for commands and command combinations that you don’t use often enough to remember it. This cheatsheet explains the psql command with important options and switches using examples.


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# PostgreSQL command-line client.

# Connect to database. It connects to localhost using default port 5432 with default user as currently logged in user:
psql database

# Connect to database on given server host running on given port with given username, without a password prompt:
psql -h host -p port -U username database

# Connect to database; user will be prompted for password:
psql -h host -p port -U username -W database

# Execute a single SQL query or PostgreSQL command on the given database (useful in shell scripts):
psql -c 'query' database

# Execute commands from a file on the given database:
psql database -f file.sql

# See also:
#   pg_dump, pg_restore, pg_top
#   PostgreSQL cheat sheets at /psql/
#   list of pages:      /psql/:list
#   search in pages:    /psql/~keyword                                                 
# psql is the PostgreSQL terminal interface. The following commands were tested on version 9.5.
# Connection options:
# -U username (if not specified current OS user is used).
# -p port.
# -h server hostname/address.

# Connect to a specific database:
psql -U postgres -h serverAddress -d dbName

# Get databases on a server:
psql -U postgres -h serverAddress --list

# Execute sql query and save output to file:
psql -U postgres -d dbName -c 'select * from tableName;' -o fileName

# Execute query and get tabular html output:
psql -U postgres -d dbName -H -c 'select * from tableName;'

# Execute query and save resulting rows to csv file:
psql -U postgres -d dbName -t -A -P fieldsep=',' -c 'select * from tableName;' -o fileName.csv

# Read commands from file:
psql -f fileName

# Restore databases from file:
psql -f fileName.backup postgres

# CMD PSQL						       #

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               █║▌│║█║▌ WITH COMMANDLINE-KUNGFU POWER █║▌│║█║▌
