➡️This is a command-line reference manual for commands and command combinations that you don’t use often enough to remember it. This cheatsheet explains the rainbowstream command with important options and switches using examples.
5 minute read
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# Twitter help
# Discover the world
h discover # will show help for discover commands.
trend # will show global trending topics. You can try trend US or trend JP Tokyo.
home # will show your timeline. home 7 will show 7 tweets.
me will # show your latest tweets. me 2 will show your last 2 tweets.
notification # will show your recent notification.
mentions will # show mentions timeline. mentions 7 will show 7 mention tweets.
whois @mdo # will show profile of @mdo.
view @mdo # will show @mdo's home.
s AKB48 # will search for "AKB48" and return 5 newest tweet. Search can be performed with or without hashtag.
h tweets # will show help for tweets commands.
# Tweets
t oops # will tweet "oops" immediately.
rt 12 # will retweet to tweet with [id=12].
quote 12 # will quote the tweet with [id=12]. If no extra text is added, the quote will be canceled.
allrt 12 20 # will list 20 newest retweet of the tweet with [id=12].
conversation 12 # will show the chain of replies prior to the tweet with [id=12].
rep 12 oops # will reply "oops" to the owner of the tweet with [id=12].
repall 12 oops # will reply "oops" to all people in the tweet with [id=12].
fav 12 # will favorite the tweet with [id=12].
ufav 12 # will unfavorite tweet with [id=12].
share 12 # will get the direct link of the tweet with [id=12].
del 12 # will delete tweet with [id=12].
show image 12 # will show image in tweet with [id=12] in your OS's image viewer.
open 12 # will open url in tweet with [id=12] in your OS's default browser.
pt 12 # will add tweet with [id=12] in your Pocket list.
# Direct messages
h messages # will show help for messages commands.
inbox # will show inbox messages. inbox 7 will show newest 7 messages.
thread 2 # will show full thread with [thread_id=2].
mes @dtvd88 hi # will send a "hi" messege to @dtvd88.
trash 5 # will remove message with [message_id=5].
# Friends and followers
h friends_and_followers # will show help for friends and followers commands.
ls fl # will list all followers (people who are following you).
ls fr # will list all friends (people who you are following).
fl @dtvd88 # will follow @dtvd88.
ufl @dtvd88 # will unfollow @dtvd88.
mute @dtvd88 # will mute @dtvd88.
unmute @dtvd88 # will unmute @dtvd88.
muting # will list muting users.
block @dtvd88 # will block @dtvd88.
unblock @dtvd88 # will unblock @dtvd88.
report @dtvd88 # will report @dtvd88 as a spam account.
h list # will show help for list commands.
list will # show all lists you are belong to.
list home # will show timeline of list. You will be asked for list's name.
list all_mem # will show list's all members.
list all_sub # will show list's all subscribers.
list add # will add specific person to a list owned by you. You will be asked for list's name and person's name.
list rm # will remove specific person from a list owned by you. You will be asked for lists name and persons name.
list sub # will subscribe you to a specific list.
list unsub # will unsubscribe you from a specific list.
list own # will show all list owned by you.
list new # will create a new list.
list update # will update a list owned by you.
list del # will delete a list owned by you.
h stream # will show help for stream commands.
switch public #AKB # will switch to public stream and follow "AKB" keyword.
switch mine # will switch to your personal stream.
switch mine -f # will prompt to enter the filter.
Only nicks filter # will decide nicks will be INCLUDE ONLY.
Ignore nicks filter # will decide nicks will be EXCLUDE.
switch list # will switch to a Twitter list's stream. You will be asked for list name
# Smart shell
111111 * 9 / 7 # or any math expression will be evaluate by Python interpreter.
Even cal # will show the calendar for current month.
# Config
theme # will list available theme. theme monokai will apply monokai theme immediately.
config # will list all config.
config ASCII_ART # will output current value of ASCII_ART config key.
config TREND_MAX default # will output default value of TREND_MAX config key.
config CUSTOM_CONFIG drop # will drop CUSTOM_CONFIG config key.
config IMAGE_ON_TERM = true # will set value of IMAGE_ON_TERM config key to True.
# Screening
h # will show this help again.
p # will pause the stream.
r # will unpause the stream.
c # will clear the screen.
v # will show version info.
q # will quit.
Cheatsheets are an excellent complement to other information sources like Linux man-pages, Linux help, or How-To’s and tutorials, as they provide compact and easily accessible information. While man-pages and detailed tutorials often contain comprehensive explanations and extensive guides, cheatsheets summarize the most important options forthe command rainbowstream in a clear format. This allows users to quickly access the needed information for rainbowstream without having to sift through lengthy texts. Especially in stressful situations or for recurring tasks, cheatsheets for rainbowstream are a valuable resource to work efficiently and purposefully.
█║▌│║█║▌★ KALI ★ PARROT ★ DEBIAN 🔴 PENTESTING ★ HACKING ★ █║▌│║█║▌
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