
➡️This is a command-line reference manual for commands and command combinations that you don’t use often enough to remember it. This cheatsheet explains the host command with important options and switches using examples.


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host -t ns google.com
# To find out the domain name servers use the -t option.

host -t ns google.com
# To find out the domain name servers use the -t option.

host -t cname mail.google.com
# To find out the domain CNAME, run.

host -n -t mx google.com
# To find out the MX records for a domain.

host -t txt google.com
# To find out the TXT records for a domain.

host -C google.com
# Find Domain SOA Record -You can make host attempt to display the SOA records for specified zone, from all the listed authoritative name servers for that zone with the -C flag.

host google.com ns4.google.com
# To query particual domain name server.

host -a google.com
# To make a query of type ANY, use the -a (all) option which is equivalent to setting the -v option.

host -v -t a google.com
# To find out domain TTL information.

host -4 google.com
# OR
host -6 google.com
# Use Either IPv4 or IPv6 - The -4 or -6 option forces host to use only IPv4 or only IPV6 query transport respectively.

host -rR 5 google.com
# Perform Non-Recursive Queries - The -r option performs non-recursive queries, note that setting this option clears the RD (recursion desired), the bit in the query which host makes.

host -R 5 google.com
# Set UDP Retries for a Lookup - By default the number of UDP tries is 1, to change it, use the -R flag.

host -T -W 10 google.com
# Set Query Time Wait for Reply - Using the -W switch, you can instruct host to wait for a reply for the specified time in seconds and if the -w flag is used, it makes host to wait forever for a reply.

host -t txt istheinternetonfire.com | cut -f 2 -d '"' | cowsay -f elephant

# CMD host						       #

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               █║▌│║█║▌ WITH COMMANDLINE-KUNGFU POWER █║▌│║█║▌
