
➡️This is a command-line reference manual for commands and command combinations that you don’t use often enough to remember it. This cheatsheet explains the apt-cache command with important options and switches using examples.


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# To search for apt packages:
apt-cache search "whatever"

# To display package records for the named package(s):
apt-cache show pkg(s)

# To display reverse dependencies of a package
apt-cache rdepends package_name

# To display package versions, reverse dependencies and forward dependencies 
# of a package
apt-cache showpkg package_name

apt-cache pkgnames
# To list all the available packages, type the following command.

apt-cache search vsftpd
# To find out the package name and with it description before installing, use the ‘search‘ flag. Using “search” with apt-cache will display a list of matched packages with short description. Let’s say you would like to find out description of package ‘vsftpd‘, then command would be.

apt-cache pkgnames vsftpd
# To find and list down all the packages starting with ‘vsftpd‘, you could use the following command.

apt-cache search nagios | awk ' { print $1}'
# Nach Paketen von Nagios suchen

apt-cache show netcat
# How Do I Check Package Information? - For example, if you would like to check information of package along with it short description say (version number, check sums, size, installed size, category etc). Use ‘show‘ sub command as shown below.

apt-cache showpkg vsftpd
# How Do I Check Dependencies for Specific Packages? - Use the ‘showpkg‘ sub command to check the dependencies for particular software packages. whether those dependencies packages are installed or not. For example, use the ‘showpkg‘ command along with package-name.

apt-cache stats
# How Do I Check statistics of Cache - The ‘stats‘ sub command will display overall statistics about the cache. For example, the following command will display Total package names is the number of packages have found in the cache.

# CMD APT-CACHE 					       #

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               █║▌│║█║▌ WITH COMMANDLINE-KUNGFU POWER █║▌│║█║▌
