
➡️This is a command-line reference manual for commands and command combinations that you don’t use often enough to remember it. This cheatsheet explains the dpkg command with important options and switches using examples.


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# Install the package or upgrade it
dpkg -i test.deb

# Remove a package including configuration files
dpkg -P test.deb

# List all installed packages with versions and details
dpkg -I

# Find out if a Debian package is installed or not
dpkg -s test.deb | grep Status

# CMD dpkg Packetverwaltung
dpkg -l '*linux*' | grep '^ii'
# Get a list of debian packages with linux in their name and only list the ones that are fully installed.

dpkg -l '*3.19.0-2[56]*' | cat
# List packages with specific version and make sure the name column is visible by piping the output into cat.

dpkg -L packagename
#  Matching files and packages in Debian/Ubuntu - To find out what files a package generated during installation.

dpkg -S /path/to/file
# We can also check the other way and find out what package a file belongs to

dpkg -S ls
# For the second command we need to use the full path as 'dpkg -S' just matches the string you supply it, so dpkg -S ls matches any package that has a file with 'ls' anywhere in the filename.

dpkg -S $( which notify-send )
# Find which Debian package the notify-send program is included with -> libnotify-bin

dpkg -l '*4.10.0*' | cat 
# Sometimes in cases where columns are truncated, you can make them visible by passing output through cat.

# To organize the list in pages and columns ready for printing, issue the following command.
dpkg -l | pr --columns 3 -l 20  
	2017-01-06 13:19                                                  Page 1
	Desired=Unknown/Install ii  adduser		ii  apg
	| Status=Not/Inst/Conf- ii  adwaita-icon-theme	ii  app-install-data
	|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-r ii  adwaita-icon-theme- ii  apparmor
	||/ Name		ii  alsa-base		ii  apt
	+++-=================== ii  alsa-utils		ii  apt-clone
	ii  accountsservice	ii  anacron		ii  apt-transport-https
	ii  acl			ii  apache2		ii  apt-utils
	ii  acpi-support	ii  apache2-bin		ii  apt-xapian-index
	ii  acpid		ii  apache2-data	ii  aptdaemon
	ii  add-apt-key		ii  apache2-utils	ii  aptdaemon-data
	2017-01-06 13:19                                                  Page 2
	ii  aptitude		ii  avahi-daemon	ii  bind9-host
	ii  aptitude-common	ii  avahi-utils		ii  binfmt-support
	ii  apturl		ii  aview		ii  binutils
	ii  apturl-common	ii  banshee		ii  bison
	ii  archdetect-deb	ii  baobab		ii  blt
	ii  aspell		ii  base-files		ii  blueberry
	ii  aspell-en		ii  base-passwd		ii  bluetooth
	ii  at-spi2-core	ii  bash		ii  bluez
	ii  attr		ii  bash-completion	ii  bluez-cups
	ii  avahi-autoipd	ii  bc			ii  bluez-obexd

# Install profiling versions of all libghc dpkg packages
dpkg -l | grep libghc | grep "\-dev" | cut -d " " -f 3 | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/\-dev/\-prof/g' | xargs sudo apt-get install --yes
# Explanation: 
        # dpkg -l lists all installed system packages.
        # grep libghc filters out all haskell packages
        # grep "\-dev" filters out the actual source packages, where -dev can be replaced with -prof to get the name of the profiling package
        # cut -d " " -f 3 converts lines from ii libghc-packagename-dev amd64 description to libghc-packagename-dev
        # tr '\n' ' ' Replaces newlines with spaces, merging it all into one line
        # sed -e 's/\-dev/\-prof/g' Replaces -dev with -prof
        # xargs sudo apt-get install --yes Passes the string (now looking like libghc-a-prof libghc-b-prof libghc-c-prof) as arguments to sudo apt-get install --yes which installs all package names it receives as arguments, and does not ask for confirmation.
# Limitations: Only works with apt (standard in ubuntu)

# List packages manually installed with process currently running - Sometimes we install programs, we forget about them, and they stay there wasting RAM. This one-liner try to find them.
ps -eo cmd | awk '{print $1}'| sort -u | grep "^/" | xargs dpkg -S 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '{print $1}' | sort -u | xargs apt-mark showmanual
# Sample output
	    # atom
	    # virtualbox
	    # bluez
	    # mosquitto
	    # teamviewer

# List the binaries installed by a Debian package - GNU grep's perl-compatible regular expression(PCRE).
function dpkgbinaries () { dpkg -L "$1" | grep -Po '.*/bin/\K.*'; }

# List the binaries installed by a Debian package - This shell function displays a list of binaries contained in an installed package; works on Debian based Linux distributions.
function dpgk-binaries () { for f in $(dpkg -L "$1" | grep "/bin/"); do basename "$f"; done; }
    # Sample output
	    # $ binaries findutils
	     # find
	     # xargs

# List all ubuntu installed packages in a single line - Use xargs command to make one line.
dpkg --get-selections | grep -Evw 'deinstall$' | cut -f1 | sort -u | xargs

# List all ubuntu installed packages in a single line - This command lists all currently installed packages in ubuntu in a single line, for example to use later with apt install.
dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | sort -u | cut -f 1 | tr '\r\n' ' ' | sed '$s/ $/\n/'
	# Sample output
	    # accountsservice acl acpid acpi-support adduser adwaita-icon-theme aisleriot alsa-base alsa-utils amd64-microcode anacron apg apparmor app-install-data-partner apport-gtk apport apport-symptoms appstream apt-clone apt-config-icons aptdaemon-data aptdaemon apt apturl-common apturl ... xserver-xorg-video-vesa xserver-xorg-video-vmware xul-ext-ubufox xwayland xxd xz-utils yaru-theme-gnome-shell yaru-theme-gtk yaru-theme-icon yaru-theme-sound yelp yelp-xsl zenity-common zenity zerofree zip zlib1g:amd64

# CMD dpkg						       #

  █║▌│║█║▌★ KALI ★ PARROT ★ DEBIAN 🔴 PENTESTING ★ HACKING ★ █║▌│║█║▌

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               █║▌│║█║▌ WITH COMMANDLINE-KUNGFU POWER █║▌│║█║▌
