
➡️This is a command-line reference manual for commands and command combinations that you don’t use often enough to remember it. This cheatsheet explains the dmidecode command with important options and switches using examples.


#                ██████╗ ███╗   ███╗██╗██████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗
#                ██╔══██╗████╗ ████║██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝
#                ██║  ██║██╔████╔██║██║██║  ██║█████╗  ██║     ██║   ██║██║  ██║█████╗  
#                ██║  ██║██║╚██╔╝██║██║██║  ██║██╔══╝  ██║     ██║   ██║██║  ██║██╔══╝  
#                ██████╔╝██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║██████╔╝███████╗╚██████╗╚██████╔╝██████╔╝███████╗
#                ╚═════╝ ╚═╝     ╚═╝╚═╝╚═════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝

The dmidecode command prints a system's DMI (aka SMBIOS) table contents in a human-readable format.

$ sudo dmidecode
# dmidecode 2.12
SMBIOS 2.6 present.
50 structures occupying 2056 bytes.
Table at 0x000FCCA0.
Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
BIOS Information
Vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
Version: 080015
Release Date: 08/22/2011

dmidecode | grep -A4 "Base B" 
# Show your motherboard info in Linux. Thx @cargabsj175

# CMD dmidecode						       #

  █║▌│║█║▌★ KALI ★ PARROT ★ DEBIAN 🔴 PENTESTING ★ HACKING ★ █║▌│║█║▌

              ██╗ ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗ ██╗  ██╗███████╗██████╗
             ╚██╔═██╔╝██║  ██║██║   ██║ ╚███╔╝ █████╗  ██║  ██║
             ████████╗██║  ██║██║   ██║ ██╔██╗ ██╔══╝  ██║  ██║
             ╚██╔═██╔╝██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██╔╝ ██╗███████╗██████╔╝
              ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═════╝

               █║▌│║█║▌ WITH COMMANDLINE-KUNGFU POWER █║▌│║█║▌
